Website Design and Development
We design and develop custom websites to suit your personal or business needs. Using modern HTML5, XHTML and CSS techniques we can produce attractive, functional and interactive websites.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
Our SEO techniques allow us to improve the search ranking of your new or existing website. The improved ranking means that your website could be one of the first results on the major search engines.
Web Hosting
Your website will be hosted on fast reliable enterprise-class UK servers. With a daily offsite backup and 99.9% up time it is ideal for hosting any size website.
Domain names
Finding the right domain name for your personal or business website can be tough. We are here to help you find, configure and manage your domain.
With your own domain name we can set up and manage your e-mail system. We can set up multiple branded e-mail accounts in a format such as
Content Management Systems (CMS)
Using a CMS as the back end of your website allows you to add content and customise your website at any time. We can create a custom website with a CMS and database integration to allow you full control over your content.
Logos and Branding
Developing attractive and recognisable logos and branding is important to every business. We can create original appealing logos for your website, business cards and stationary.
Social Media Management
Due to the popularity of social networks, businesses are now using them to increase brand awareness. We can setup and customise your social media presence as well automatically include your lasted social media updates on your website.
Intranet systems
An internal company intranet can improve sharing and collaboration as well as enhancing productivity. Our intranet systems are customised to your needs and can include, announcements, file storage, wiki's and forums.
Mobile Optimisation
Optimising your website for mobile devices imporves the ease of use for visitors using smaller screens. A custom cut-down view of your website can be created for this purpose.
If you would like to learn more about our Website Development services, please feel free to
contact us.
Network Management
Installation, maintenance and Management of your network infrastructure can be completed by us. We support all network devices while aiming to minimise downtime for your business.
Server Support
Support for Microsoft Server products including installation and configuration of a windows domain, virtualisation, user management, windows server update services, operating system deployment and print management.
Desktop & Laptop Support
We offer desktop and laptop to business and personal customers. Services include Operating System installation or upgrade, virus removal, software installation, hardware upgrades or repair, advice and training.
Backup Solutions
It is critical that business data is backed up on a regular basis. We can provide a backup solution that will backup your data on schedule that suits your needs. With the ability to restore data quickly and easily.
Network Auditing
Having problems with your network? We can undertake an audit of you network devices, servers and computers to identify any issues and advise on areas for improvement.
IT Consultancy
Technical consultations are available to ensure your IT systems adhere to industry best practices. We offer technical expertise and project management for IT projects.
Apple Mac Support
Your Apple Macs can be integrated into a windows domain to enable access to user accounts, files shares, printers and network resources. We also offer repair and training for the Mac OSX operating systems.
Anit-virus solutions
Implementing and maintaing an anti-virus solution can help prevent the infection and spread of viruses, malware and spyware on your network. We can provide a solution that means the needs of your business or personal device.
System Security
We offer advice and solutions for the possible vulnerabilities of your system, including enforcing security policies, hardening of your internet facing devices and ensuring the correct patches are applied to operating systems and software.
Disaster Recovery
In the event of a disaster with any of your IT equipment, we are here to help get your equipment running again. We can produce a formal disaster recovery plan (DRP) to ensure procedures are in place to recover and protect your IT infrastructure.
If you would like to learn more about our IT support services, please feel free to
contact us.